Monday, August 30, 2010

Clean people are better...

As my wife and I were trudging up the 4 mile trail, from Yosemite's gorgeous El Cap Meadow all the way to Glacier Point, we were cursing like sailors. "This trail is F-ing brutal" I shouted to her, just within ear shot of a couple who, in my opinion, took the easy way out by taking a shuttle to Glacier Point and hiking down. Of course, they shot me a look as if were hiking naked. Weird, I thought to myself - taking note this particular couple was very well dressed with clean combed hair and crisp tucked-in shirts. My wife and I were sweaty, dirty and looking rather worn out.

As we reached the top, after one of the most grueling uphill hikes I have done, we tossed our packs down and started to drinking from the water fountain...drinking turned to washing our hands which quickly turned into pretty much bathing. Soon I realized we have drawn quite the crowd, a few Asian tourist snapping pictures of us and a hand full of people pointing and talking under their breath.

Thanks to a new study done at Northwestern University I understand that we were being judged...clean people render harsher moral judgement than those who are dirty...

So remember, next time your on the trail, wash up or be judged as morally inferior to our clean cut day hikers...

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